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地點:Check Point補給站 

旺角通菜街123號 Ladies Mall 二樓

日期:2021年 4月30日至6月30日

時間:星期二至五 (2pm-8pm)

星期六至日 (11am-9pm)/星期一休息

Race Pack Collection 

Location: Check Point補給站

2/F, Ladies Mall, No. 123 Tung Choi Street, Mong Kong

Date: 30 April-30 Jun 2021

Time: 2pm-8pm (Tue-Fri)/11am-9pm (Sat, Sun)/
Monday (Rest)


號碼布 (參加者所參加場次之號碼布)及相關紀念品


Race Pack includes: 

Number Bib of the related route(s) you joined & souvenirs  



1. 參加者可於活動之指定日期內 (2021年4月30日至7月4日),  依照自己所揀選之路線, 完成活動。 選擇兩條和三條路線, 每條路線都必須一次過完成 (並不需要一次過完成兩條或三條路線); 每條路線行/跑多少次的次數不限, 唯獨只能上載紀錄一次; 主辦單位理解不同手錶及手機所記錄的路線及距離有所差異,在核實成績將有一定程度的彈性處理。

2. 路線沿途不設補給站。建議參加者帶備足夠飲料及適量食物補充,甚至自行安排支援。請帶備身份證、足夠現金、八達通及手提電話等。

3. 所有參加者必須展示「怒走777」之號碼布, 在指定地點拍照打卡作為紀錄之用,及上載至大會指定網址連結。

4. 路線上不設置任何標記,建議參加者進行活動前,先了解路線資料,同時下載GPX檔案至手機或手錶, 作導航之用。完成里數不得少於大會路線所定的里數。如發現不依照大會指定路線完成,大會有權取消成績資格。

5. 排名以經過時間(Elapsed Time)計算,移動時間(Running Time)不適用。 




7. 建議參加者穿著越野跑鞋和舒適運動服進行活動,可視乎個人需要,考慮使用手套及行山杖參加。請注意山勢險峻, 務必注意安全。


8. 路線會有經過民居,請保持安靜,避免喧嘩或影響附近居民。


9. 參加者橫過馬路時必須遵守交通指示及留意路面情況,務必注意安全。


10. 參加者如遇惡劣天氣及身體如有不適,請免展開活動或立即停止活動。


11. 參加者請善待環境,請勿在路線上亂拋垃圾


12. 大會建議參加者自行購買個人意外保險,大會對參加者安全一概不負責任。


13. 大會保留對所有參加者資格、修改及解釋以上規則的權利的最終決定權。


14. 所有報名不設退款及不設轉讓。

Event Rules & Regulation 

1. Participants are required to complete each designated route you joined in one time only from 30 April to 4 July 2021. If you participated in 2 or 3 routes, you can finish the routes in different days but each route needed to be finished in one time only. The participants can walk/ run unlimited times of the route (s) but the record can only be uploaded once. The Organizer understands the varies on routes and distances recorded by different watches and mobile phones hence will have a certain level of flexibility in verifying the results.


2. There are no supply stations along the route(s). Participants are recommended to enough drinks and food as well as sports nutrition, you may also arrange your own support, please bring your ID card, enough money, OCTOPUS as well as mobile phone for safely purpose.


3. All participants are required to display the number bib of “Hike to 777” and take photos with the bib at the required check points, and then uploaded to the website link provided by the organizer. 

4. There are no markings on the route(s), please study the details of the route(s) and download GPX files to their mobile phones or watches before the event for navigational purposes. The distance completed shall not be less than the distance determined by the organizer. If any participant was found his/ her route did not follow the organizer’s designated route, the Organizer has the right to disqualify the participant.


5. Ranking will be based on “Elapsed time”. “Running Time” is not applicable.


6. Please be aware of the social distancing restrictions. Suggest to keep social distance all the time during the activity.  You are only exempt from wearing mask while exercising. Please wear your mask in non-country parks and when not exercising.


7. It is recommended to wear trail running shoes and comfortable sports wear, you may consider to bring gloves and hiking poles if needed.

8. Please keep quiet, do not make noise or affect the tenants/ other people.


9. Participants must follow traffic instructions and pay attention to road conditions when crossing the road, safety comes first.


10. Please do not start or stop any activities immediately in case of bad weather and physical discomfort.


11. Please be kind to the environment and do not litter on the way.


12. The organizer recommends all participants should purchase their own personal accidental insurance. The organizer is not responsible for the safety of participants.


13. The organizer reserves the final decision and right on all participants’ qualifications, modifications and interpretation on above rules.


14. All registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable.


怒走777 免責聲明


條款細則 Terms and Conditions 


  • 本人明白參加此活動存在受傷、死亡、財物損失及/或任何形式的損失的風險。

  • 本人是自願參加此活動和願意承擔自身的意外風險及責任,並放棄向大會以及與活動直接或間接聯繫的任何其他個人或組織,對本人往返活動場地途中、活動中發生或其引致之自身意外、死亡、財產損失及/或任何形式的損失提出索償或追討責任。

  • 本人承認了解風險為本人的責任,並聲明本人身體情況良好及有能力報名、參加及完成此活動,而沒有執業醫生曾提出相反意見。

  • 本人明白及同意 3ree runner 將本人的個人資料轉交或任何提供本人的個人資料予大會用作相關用途。

  • 本人同意本免責聲明及其他條款細則之日已經年滿18歲或以上,或者未滿18歲但有法定監護人陪同。 本人理解並同意將本人的個人資料提供予大會用作安排活動及下文所述之用。

  • 本人願意授權及同意大會及傳媒在不需要審查情況及不需要本人另外同意下而可在任何媒體中使用本人的個人資料、肖像、姓名及聲線作為籌辦及推廣活動之用,包括但不限於本人肖像及姓名有可能在與活動有關的情況下被使用於大會之網頁、短片、社交媒體平台及出版刊物。

  • 本人填妥此報名表格即表示同意及確認所有在此列明之大會規則、條款細則及免責聲明,以及往後所有不時於活動網頁、社交媒體及大會宣傳刊物的任何更新及更改。

  • 中英文版本如有任何歧異,概以英文版本為準。

Participants are required to agree to the following disclaimer, declaration and other provisions:

In consideration of your acceptance of my entry to Hike to 777 and any ancillary event or function (collectively "Event"), I hereby agree to abide by the terms and conditions as provided by 3ree runner, prize sponsors, venue providers including but not limited to Check Point and the assisting entities (collectively "Event Organizer") which are listed as the followings:

  • I understand that by participating in the Event there are risks of injury, death, property damages and/or loss of any kind.

  • I am entering the Event voluntarily and I am willing to assume all my own risks and liabilities associated with participating in the Event.

  • I hereby waive, discharge and release the Event Organizer and any other individual or organization connected directly or indirectly with the Event from any and all rights and claims for liability, loss and/or damages that I may have in the event of injury, death, property damage and/or loss of any kind suffered or incurred by me in or arising from or during the Event, as a consequence of, or while traveling to or from the venue of the Event.

  • I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to understand the risks and I declare that I am physically fit to enter, participate in and/or complete the Event safely, and I have not been advised by a practicing medical practitioner not to enter the Event. I declare that I have reached the age of 18 or above on the date that I agreed to this disclaimer, declaration and other provisions; alternatively if I have not reached the age of 18, I am accompanied by a legal guardian.

  • I understand and consent to 3ree runner transferring and any provision of my personal data to the Event Organizer for the arrangement of the Event and as described below.

  • I hereby grant permission and consent to the Event Organizer and the media to utilize my personal information, appearance, name and voice, in connection with organizing and promoting the Event, in any and all media, and agree to waive any right of inspection or approval associated thereto, including but not limited to that my appearance and name may be used in the website, video, social media platform and publication of the Event Organizer related to the Event.

  • By completing this entry form, I agree to and confirm to accept all of the terms and conditions in the Official Rules, Terms and Conditions listed here,  this disclaimer,  declaration and other provisions, and any subsequent amendments of the Event that are posted on the official website, social media platform and promotion materials from time to time.

If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version, the English shall be the governing and prevailing version.

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