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報名日期: 2021年4月15日至6月20日





Registration Details

Registration Date: 15 April - 20 June 2021

Race Pack Collection Date: 30 April - 30 June 2021

Activity Date: 30 April- 4 July 2021



單挑一個7 (任何一場): HK$177

打孖77 (任何兩場): HK$337

全走777: $477

Registration Fee 

Any One Route: HK$177

Any 2 routes: HK$337

All 3 routes: HK$477


1) 5公升防水袋 (價值:HK$69)
2) 法國品牌 Overstim.s 防抽筋 energy gel - 檸檬味或紅苺味 (價值:HK $21)
3) RETOLD coffee.tea.spirits 享用 Americano 咖啡一杯  (價值:  $34)


Souvenirs of joining 1 route: 

1) 5L waterproof dry bag (valued at HK$69)

2) Overstim.s Antioxidant energy gel - lemon or red berries (valued at HK$21)

3) RETOLD coffee.tea.spirits - Americano x 1 (valued at HK$34)

Total value of souvenirs: $124 

1) Uglow 運動短𧙕 (價值:HK$120)
2) 5公升防水袋 (價值:HK$69)
3) 法國品牌 Overstim.s 防抽筋 energy gel - 檸檬味或紅苺味 (價值:HK $21)
4) RETOLD coffee.tea.spirits 享用 Americano 咖啡一杯  (價值: HK$34)


(備註:Uglow 運動𧙕數量有限,如派發完畢後會以法國Tingerlaat UV50 防水防汗防曬霜補上。)

Souvenirs of joining 2 routes 

1) Uglow socks (valued at HK$120)

2) 5L waterproof dry bag (valued at HK$69)

3) Overstim.s Antioxidant energy gel - lemon or red berries (valued at HK$21)

4) RETOLD coffee.tea.spirits - Americano x 1 (valued at HK$34)

Total value of souvenirs: HK$244

(Remarks: there is limited number of Uglow socks, while the Uglow socks finished supply, participants will be given Tingerlaat as replacement.)


1)「怒走777」透氣快乾紀念TEE (價值: HK$180) 

2) 法國品牌 Tingerlaat UV50 防水防汗防曬霜 (UTMB認可) (價值:HK$118)
3) 5公升防水袋 (價值:HK$69)
4) 法國品牌 Overstim.s 防抽筋 energy gel - 檸檬味或紅苺味 (價值:HK $21)
5) RETOLD coffee.tea.spirits 享用 Americano 咖啡一杯  (價值: HK$34)


Souvenirs of joining all 3 routes 

  1. “Hike to 777” dry-fit Tee (valued at HK$180)

  2. French-brand Tingerlaat UV50 proof suntan cream (waterproof & sweat) (valued at HK$118)

  3. 5L waterproof dry bag (valued at HK$69)

  4. Overstim.s Antioxidant energy gel - lemon or red berries (valued at HK$21)

  5. RETOLD coffee.tea.spirits - Americano x 1 (valued at HK$34)

Total value of souvenirs: HK$422


磁义經絡排酸棒 Magnetic Massager 直頭二义棒 ~消除運動疲勞!

參加三場路線之男女子首三名優勝者(成績以累計三場路線,最短時間為勝出),可以獲得現時流行的磁叉經絡排酸棒 magnetic massager (專為運動人士而設的直頭二义棒, 價值HK$460),連名人瑜伽導師 Coffee 和 Sammi 鄭秀文 都用 magnetic massager 磁叉經絡排酸棒。


Coffee林芊妤推介 磁叉經絡排酸棒 

天后鄭秀文也用磁叉按摩排毒、紓緩疲勞 - 鄭秀文:「好治癒嘅感覺」


Prizes of “Hike to 777” - Magnetic Massager - Magnetic Pro 

First 3 winners of Men & Women participants could get the magnetic massager - Magnetic Pro (valued at HK$460) , which is very good for sport massage, offered by magnetic massager 磁叉經絡排酸棒  

*No winner prizes for joining 1 route or 2 routes only. 


 紀念品介紹 About Souvenirs 

Overstim.s ATO 抗氧化液體能量啫喱    信心保證! 

要怒走777, 所費能量唔嘢少, 所以「怒走777」大會專誠揀選了始於1982年的著名法國運動營品牌 Overtim.s 最受歡迎的綠色 Antioxidant 抗氧化防抽筋液體能量啫喱為參加者打打氣! 

多年來, Overstim.s 是多項主要運動比賽和協會的合作伙伴, 包括歐洲著名越野跑長距離耐力賽Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB)、 香港的HK100、巴黎半馬拉松、法國國家單車協會以及多項國際運動賽事等, 絕對是信心保證。


ATO 抗氧化液體能量啫喱 (價值: HK$21)

‧ 含豐富抗氧化食材(枸杞子、維他命E和鋅)

‧  維他命 B6減低疲憊

‧  鎂令肌肉功能維持正常

‧ 流質, 口感較佳

‧ 容易入口, 即時提供能量

‧ 不含麩質 、不含乳糖、不含防腐劑、不含人造色素


Overstim.s Antioxidant Energy Liquid Gel

We understand it is lots of effort in “Hike to 777”, so we choose the product of renowned sports nutrition brand ~ French-branded Overstim.s. Established in 1982, Overstim.s is recognized as a leading French brand in sports nutrition by effectively supporting athletes energy needs. OVERSTIM.s products are 100% made in France. 

OVERSTIM.s is an active partner of major sporting events and federations such as the “Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB), Hong Kong 100 Ultra-Trail Race (HK100), Paris Half Marathon, French Cycling Federation and international competitions.


Antioxidant Energy Liquid Gel (Retail price:HK$21)

‧ Rich in antioxidants (goji berries, vitamin E & zinc) which boost the effectiveness of the gel and protect your cells against oxidative stress

‧ Vitamin B6 which contributes to reducing fatigue

‧ Magnesium which contributes to good muscle function

‧ Liquid texture pleasant to use

‧ Easy to digest, instant energy

‧ Gluten free, lactose free, no preservatives, no coloring

Uglow - 透氣快乾low cut運動𧙕

入夏之際怒走港九新界各山頭,我們揀選優質 Uglow 衣物配件作為紀念品; 來自法國的 Uglow Sport 專為運動而設的潮流品牌,公認為全世界首個 100% 無縫設計之服裝品牌, 採用優質材料再加精密生產技術, 產品夠輕、高效能和不會導至敏感。


Uglow low cut COOLMAX 運動𧙕 (價值:HK$120)

‧ 腳踭及腳弓支撐

‧ COOLMAX 物料 運動時保持雙腳乾爽

‧ 耐磨物料

‧ 適合運動及平時穿著

‧ 物料具彈性,男女各一個尺碼


Uglow Low Socks COOLMAX (Retail price: HK$120) 

‧ Ankle support

‧ Arch support

‧ COOLMAX yarn to keep your feet cool 

‧ Extreme durable fabric 

‧ ROAD product/ EVERYDAY product

‧ 1 size FIT ALL


法國 TINGERLAAT 防曬護膚品牌  國際級越野賽認可防曬用品 

如果你選擇「怒走777」,防曬絕不能少,所以我們為玩哂 3 條路線的參加者  

 2010年誕生於法國東部白朗峰沙木尼 (Chamonix-Mont-Blanc) 的 TINGERLAAT,專為熱愛戶外運動人士而設; 100% Made in France 的 Tingerlaat,防曬度 SPF 50+(UVB +UVA),研發時經多名法國專業運動員於不同極地深試,包括高海拔雪山、紫外線很高的海洋等!

Tingerlaat 更是 2018 和 2019 UTMB 以及 Marathon du Mont Blanc 的大會專用防曬用品;優質之餘更是環保產品,不含羥基苯甲酸酯、香料、染料、矽及納米粒子等物質。清爽之餘上山曬足一日都十分保護不需補搽,沒有防曬霜一貫「防曬味道」, 性質溫和不會油淋淋,亦沒有阻塞毛孔而引至敏感。防曬度和質感十分好!

Tingerlaat SPF 50+ (UVB +UVA)防水防汗防曬霜 10ml 裝 (價值:HK$118)

TINGERLAAT was created in Chamonix-Mont-Blanc since 2010, high-performance cosmetics that can adapt to active outdoor lifestyles. The brand is led by a team of enthusiastic people, making products perfectly suited to the hostile and unpredictable environments that athletes and outdoor professionals usually encounter (sun, water, rain, humidity, dust, friction, dehydration, cold…)

The products are tested in real life by professionals, a team of ambassadors, athletes and extreme conditions specialists, who uses its products every day. Their skin is subject to extreme conditions of high altitude, poles, oceans, under daily conditions of use. Thanks to them, TINGERLAAT is able to create innovative and effective products.

100% Made in France, all ingredients have a very high quality level, TINGERLAAT does not have any unnecessary ingredients such as parabens, perfumes, silicones, nanoparticles or dyes to ensure the products are absolutely ocean-friendly and no harm to the earth. 

Tingerlaat SPF 50+ (UVB +UVA)suntan cream - 10ml (Retail price: HK$118)

RETOLD coffee.tea.spirits  高質咖啡為你「怒走777」加油打打氣! 


為參加者提供高質咖啡的 Retold Coffee Tea Spirits,位於荃灣南豐紗廠, 環境舒適寬闊,單是環境已看出甚具心思,木桌椅配合綠色主調,設計具格調。對咖啡甚有研究的店主,精選來自世界各地的咖啡豆,調配出各款高質咖啡,另亦提供意粉及蛋糕,甜品,飲品和食物的評價十分高。

每位參加者可獲 RETOLD coffee.tea.spirits 提供的咖啡 Americano 一杯,價值: HK$30(熱)/ HK$34 (凍)

RETOLD coffee.tea.spirits High standard coffee

Many studies found that coffee is good for sports performance, we are delighted to cooperate with a very high standard cafe ~ RETOLD coffee.tea.spirits at The Mills, the new landmark of Tsuen Wan. RETOLD not only provided nice coffee made from high quality coffee beans from all over the world, but also has very relaxed environment for customers to hang out. Apart from coffee, its main course and desserts are high recommended. 

All participants of “Hike to 777” are offered one Americano valued at HK$30 (hot)/ HK34 (iced). 



Shop 102, 1/F, The Mills, 45 Par Tin Pak Street, Tsuen Wan

Tel: 57416102

Facebook of RETOLD coffee.tea.spirits

IG of RETOLD coffee.tea.spirits

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